DV2025 Talihlileri DV2025 Green Card Çekiliş Aşamaları konusunu inceleyip sorularını yine bu konuda sormalılar!
Üyelik oluşturma ve foruma giriş konusunda sorun yaşayan üyelerimiz [email protected] adresine email gönderebilirler!
  • ⭐⭐

    @waterman thanx. I will pay attention 🙂

  • @waterman thanks for information. I didnt know this rule.

  • I heard GC 7 years ago from my colleague who won GC. But I didnt join until last year.

  • Have a nice Sunday beautiful people :))

  • @Sabri-FT, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    @december, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    choose a subject

    where did you hear about green card?

    this is the subject

    I always seen the ads in websites but I was thinking that they’re fake. Last year my best friend told me about this lottery and this year I applied it for the very first time 🙂

  • ⭐⭐⭐

    @berolika, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    @Sabri-FT, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    @december, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    choose a subject

    where did you hear about green card?

    this is the subject

    I always seen the ads in websites but I was thinking that they’re fake. Last year my best friend told me about this lottery and this year I applied it for the very first time 🙂

    Then let’s say congratulations for you!! Who applied for the first time they won!! I wish everyone gets their green card 🙂

  • @waterman, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    @berolika, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    @Sabri-FT, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    @december, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    choose a subject

    where did you hear about green card?

    this is the subject

    I always seen the ads in websites but I was thinking that they’re fake. Last year my best friend told me about this lottery and this year I applied it for the very first time 🙂

    Then let’s say congratulations for you!! Who applied for the first time they won!! I wish everyone gets their green card 🙂

    Thank you so much :)) I wish the best for all of us! This time next year we all gonna be there and make barbecue party :))

  • @berolika to you too

  • @berolika I thought it was a lie at first too

    but when i searched i found out it's real 3 years ago

  • @waterman dreams and reality hope we all win

  • ⭐⭐⭐

    @Sabri-FT, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    @waterman dreams and reality hope we all win

    We can’t lose our hope when we lose it, our life going to be destroyed..

  • @waterman you couldn't explain it better👏🏻

    But do you know what despair is, let me tell you that a human life is determined by a lottery in which millions of people participate, this is the real despair😢
    (I got help from the translation. My English was not enough:))

  • Good morning everyone :)) Have a nice week :))

  • @Sabri-FT, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    @waterman you couldn't explain it better👏🏻

    But do you know what despair is, let me tell you that a human life is determined by a lottery in which millions of people participate, this is the real despair😢
    (I got help from the translation. My English was not enough:))

    Agreed. But I think we shouldn't determine our lives by a lottery. Life goes on... You know what they say: "Wish for the best but prepare for the worst." We all won the lottery, I'm sure but we should have plan B,C,D etc. 🙂 🙂

  • It doesnt flow. my suggestion is choose a new subject for every day.

  • @december, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    It doesnt flow. my suggestion is choose a new subject for every day.

    I found one. What job do you consider to do in USA?

  • @berolika good evening and have a good week🙂

  • What kind of ventures would you like to do in the USA?

    in the sense of starting a business

  • goodmorning, I want to managing a cute cafe. hot and cold drinks, desserts, maybe breakfast and lunch, also celebrete special days (birtday, babyshower etc.)

  • @december, içinde söyledi: DV2024 ingilizce sohbet odası

    goodmorning, I want to managing a cute cafe. hot and cold drinks, desserts, maybe breakfast and lunch, also celebrete special days (birtday, babyshower etc.)

    That is so sweet I hope that you can do it! :))

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