DV2025 Talihlileri DV2025 Green Card Çekiliş Aşamaları konusunu inceleyip sorularını yine bu konuda sormalılar!
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  • Merhaba, 3 hafta önce karar verilmişti fakat olumlu ya da olumsuz bir bilgi verilmedi. Aracı olan avukat red almadın ditoe fakat sistemde aşama atladı görünüyor ve yazan ifade şu :
    The files together with an appeal have been transferred to the Head of The Office For Foreigners on 29.10.2019 .

    Burada karara itiraz edilmiş bir durum olduğunu düşünüyorum. Ofise gidicem fakat bilgi verilmiyor ve ingilizce konuşmuyorlar. Bu konuda bilgisi olan var mıdır aramızda ?

  • merhaba polonya oturum izni alma yöntemleri ile bilgi tecrübelerinizi paylaşabilir misiniz ?

  • I got the similar situation. After the following statement "Transferring THE FILES TO THE HEAD OF THE OFFICE FOR FOREIGNERS" , I have received negative decision by post. So the decision was issued on 30/09 and on 04/10 they have sent the decision to me and at the same day they have sent an appeal along with my case to the main office (2nd instance) for second review.

    I was not aware about the meaning of the above statement till I have submitted my own appeal to the office(1st instance) against the negative decision. They replayed "the appeal was sent to the main office(second instance)".

    I advise you to talk to experienced lawyer who can review your case and explain to you what is going on. The lawyer may help you to speed up the process. In case of any doubt in your case the lawyer should be able to fill the gaps.

  • @Şilan-Arslan, içinde söyledi: Polonya Oturum İzni 2019

    Merhaba, 3 hafta önce karar verilmişti fakat olumlu ya da olumsuz bir bilgi verilmedi. Aracı olan avukat red almadın ditoe fakat sistemde aşama atladı görünüyor ve yazan ifade şu :
    The files together with an appeal have been transferred to the Head of The Office For Foreigners on 29.10.2019 .

    Burada karara itiraz edilmiş bir durum olduğunu düşünüyorum. Ofise gidicem fakat bilgi verilmiyor ve ingilizce konuşmuyorlar. Bu konuda bilgisi olan var mıdır aramızda ?

    Ben ABD de yasiyorum, Polonya degil ama isin icinde appeal evraki varsa genelde negatif gorunen bir duruma ya da sonuca appeal edilir. Bahsettiginiz avukat sizin tuttugunuz bir avukat mi onu anlayamadim. sayet oyleyse o kisi case in gidisatina gore ya da aleyhinize verilmis bir karara gore appeal etmis olabilir. Ama ortada yapilmis bir appeal varsa bunu ya siz yapacaksiniz ya da avukatiniz. Aleyhinize isleyen bir duruma appeal edersiniz ve ikna edici bilgi ve belgeleri verdiginiz surece karar lehinize sonuclanir. En azindan benim burada oyle. Bu arada neden Polonya? siz de benim gibi kis mevsimi sevenlerdensiniz galiba..

  • @Sameh-Nassr Before this decision she told me that there will be good news and she was sure. And she still says everything is ok and will be good news. But ı know that ı got rejection I think. I don't want to give money to another lawyer I don't believe them. Can I change my company in this situation?? I mean can I change all documents now ? Thank you so much for your opinion

  • @hasbelkader merhaba öncelikle çok teşekkür ederim cevabınız için. Kadını önerdiler son 1 haftam kalmıştı iş bulduğumda mecbur verdim kartımı yapması için ve gerçekten başarılı diye övdüler. Kabul etmiyor ret aldığımı ve polonyda ret kararına itiraz ettiysen 1 yıl beklemek zorunda kalıyorsun. Şu an iş arama sürecindeyim kimse kart olmadan işe almıyor ve bana kesin konuşmuştu inanıp bekledim kararı. Yoksa ben karar verilmeden önce belgeleri başka şehre transfer ettirip orada çalışıp bekleyecektim. O kadar uğraşlarıma rağmen yine en başa döndüm sanırım..

  • @hasbelkader polonyayı yeşil diye seviyorum ama varşovayı sevmiyorum büyük konuşmuşum zamanında 🙂 çok sabrettim kartı almak için bu yüzden bekliyorum

  • @Şilan-Arslan In my case changing the company does not work. as far as I know you cannot submit two residency card applications for the same reason e.g. work. I guess your case is that they think you don't deserve the negative decision, and at the same time your application is missing some documents that are necessary for the positive decision thus they transfer the entire application to the main office for review. My case exactly was related to ZUS insurance, they asked me to bring some documents, I have submitted some documents to prove ZUS, but they found that the documents are not enough to prove ZUS so they give me negative decision and at the same time, they have submitted an appeal and they sent the appeal with my application to the main office for re-considering my case, even before I receive the negative decision by post. After that I and my lawyer submitted our appeal with of course additional documents to prove ZUS.

    Remember, every case is different, and again I advise you to consult with an experienced lawyer. The lawyer can review your application and he/she will know what additional documents can support your case. In case that the the decision is not issued yet,the lawyer will submit those documents, and in case that the decision is issued he/she will support you in the appeal processes. In case that your application rejected because of not enough documents, then it's your right to submit the appeal and they should give you positive decision, the process takes time, but with a good lawyer it will take less time.

  • @Sameh-Nassr woow you have experience about this long process.. As you said I will change my lawyer and I hope new lawyer can review my case in urzad. Or she can find another solution to solve it.. I don't want to wait more than 2 months. But it looks like at least 6 months. 😞 I feel doing it all over again and again.. It took 8 months for the first decision. And now it will take almost 1 year to get 2nd decision. I hope everything will be good. Thank you so much again.

  • @Şilan-Arslan Good luck and keep me updated. I am also waiting to see what will happen with my case 🙂

  • @Sameh-Nassr thank you so much 🙏 I hope you will get your residence card soon.. 🙏 keep in touch good luck 🙂 🙋

  • I agree with Sameh Nassr. You should be sure you are working with a good lawyer who is specialized on immigration cases. It is extremely important point and same here as well. Unfortunately we don’t know the laws, especially laws of a foreign country. Therefore we have to be picky to hire the right lawyer for representation. But as I indicated in my first message as long as you offered the necessary documents meeting all the procedures, this kind of cases are resulted in favour of appellant. Time frame depends on the bureaucracy which is different in every country. Here in US, this kind of residency cases is concluded in 4 to 6 months generally if there is not any requirement for further investigation because of ambiguity. I wish your residency card will be confirmed ASAP not becoming costly on you.
    Anyways, I didn’t know that Pollard is a green country. In my imagination it is a blizzard country that is almost white throughout a year 🙂 I love snow...

  • Merhaba ,

    Polonya ' dan yakın zamanda oturum izni / çalışma vizesi almış olan var mı aramızda ?

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